It is highly recommended that this parameter be set to NO when developing stored procedures, so that a developer will always get a fresh copy of the stored procedure when invoked. 在开发存储过程时,强烈建议将这个参数设置为NO,这样,调用存储过程时总会得到全新的存储过程副本。
Therefore, the data is always fresh because all of the application instances see the same single copy in the cache. 因此,数据总是新鲜的,因为所有应用程序实例都查看缓存中相同的单一副本。
Currency requirements demand a fresh copy of the data. 当前需求需要数据的最新副本。
The agreement is that we go away and cut, clean, rewrite and return with fresh copy. 通过协商,我们删减,净化,改写,并带回新的副本。
Encourage people to think about fresh ways to test copy and to help us all develop the best advertising solution. 鼓励大家思考新的方法来测试文案,进而帮助我们发展出最好的广告创意。
The Refresh Screen option causes K4000RC Viewer to request a fresh copy of the current state of the entire server desktop. 更新屏幕项可以由仪器浏览器到服务器桌面上更新一个新的副本。
Please make out a fresh copy. 请重填一张。
Foreign culture for the Chinese garden has injected fresh blood at the same time, copy foreign garden widespread phenomenon, leading to the national character of the Chinese garden, marking, regional weakened. 外来文化为中国园林注入了新鲜血液的同时,抄袭、复制外国园林的现象也广泛存在,导致中国园林的民族性、标识性、地域性减弱。